RegenAlign™ and Ergonomics: Why It Works

In order for ergonomics to be successful, an individual must have proper postural alignment of nerves, soft tissue structures and joints while performing in the workplace. The Bonacci Method of Regenerative Alignment is a multidisciplinary therapy that accomplishes this efficiently. This technique has been developed through many years of healing chronic and complicated pain patients, and research has shown that the single most important aspect of preventing pain is improving posture. There is a symbiotic relationship of a multidisciplinary treatment approach with the principles and practices of a sound ergonomics program. The Bonacci Method utilizes assessment and treatment techniques found in a variety of overlapping disciplines, which maximizes the benefits of ergonomics. The result is increased capacity to function in the workplace, decreased on-the-job injuries, and prevention of pain.

Chronic pain is America’s biggest health problem, and the number one reason people go to the doctor. According to USA Today, more than 100 million — more than 40% — of adult Americans suffer from it. It costs the nation more than $600 billion per year, which is more than diabetes, cancer and heart disease combined. Chronic pain is the result of negative environmental factors such as improper ergonomics, which causes misaligned posture, degeneration and cell dysfunction. Proper ergonomics and proper posture prevent pain and establishing optimal efficiency at work.

When the body is out of alignment, the body feels weak. Consider the disabling positions imposed in martial arts that aim to weaken an opponent by placing the body in a misaligned position. This misalignment drains the body of energy and causes fatigue. When the body regains proper alignment — proper posture — strength returns. With increased strength comes increased productivity. The Bonacci Method focuses on improving posture and gaining strength by utilizing a complex sequence of maneuvers to realign the core structures of the entire body: the nerves, connective tissue, joints and muscles. The goal is to prevent pain, but if pain already exists, the goal is to release the pain and prevent its return. Living with pain means living with a constant distraction — the enemy of productivity. Pain leads to early fatigue, as does improper ergonomics.

We must first recognize that the body is not a collection of separate encapsulated elements, but a sophisticated entwinement of dynamic elements working together. Just as a properly functioning orchestra is made up not of instruments played in isolation, but each element playing together to make a harmonious sound. A multidisciplinary approach to preventing pain and injury embodies this idea.

As humans age, the body slowly deteriorates. The muscles atrophy, placing unusual stress on joints and nerves, and developing scar tissue and inflammation throughout the body’s fascia. This process inevitably causes pain, loss of strength, poor posture, decreased energy, and lower productivity at the workplace. Proper ergonomics will help, but if the body is in a debilitated state, it will remain a challenge to maintain or increase productivity. The Bonacci Method improves posture to allow for maximum efficiency of movement. Proper soft tissue, joint and nerve alignment results in less strain on the body, creating less irritation and inflammation. Specific exercise integrated with therapy can then help to maintain proper posture and strength. The resulting preservation of energy allows for greater endurance, higher morale and a healthier mood, all of which feed a positive work experience and hence, productivity.

The Bonacci Method of diagnosing the true origin of the pain is a focus and critical key to solving each complaint. Often the true source of pain evades traditional assessment techniques. The Bonacci Method of diagnosis helps identify well-hidden elements contributing to the pain, often with multiple sources. Assessing the pain is fluid, often overlapping into the therapy itself, from which the practitioner learns more as the rehabilitation progresses.

Every body is different, and every injury different, and therefore requires thinking outside the box to creatively find a sequence of therapeutic modalities that works. Over time the method has been honed to suit multiple situations, no matter the complaint. The Bonacci Method of Regenerative Alignment is gentle, flexible, fluid, dynamic and holistic.

Bruce Lipton (2012 a,b), quantum physicist and cell biologist, explains that the human body is comprised of a harmonious community of 50 trillion cells, each of which functions primarily in reaction to our environment — the energy field that surrounds us. Electromagnetic fields control the movement and signals of proteins inside us, which control the various functions of our bodies. Disease is caused when the nervous system sends inappropriate signals, generated through trauma, toxins or thought. The energy flows from the environment to the brain, then to the spinal cord and finally to the peripheral organs. Improper ergonomics creates bad energy flow. The energy in the body reflects the surrounding energy, because the atoms in the body are not only giving off energy, they are absorbing it. We cannot separate ourselves from our environment; we are entangled within its energy. Albert Einstein said, “The field is the sole governing agency of the particle.”

The Bonacci Method of Regenerative Alignment offers a multidisciplinary, holistic approach to prevention, assessment and treatment of pain, which combined with proper ergonomics in the workplace, establishes muscle memory of natural alignment, resulting in a high-energy atmosphere in the body conducive to productivity.

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